1. How important will certification be in selecting your hardware?
Very important Somewhat important Unimportant Extremely unimportant
2. As compared to non-certified hardware, do you expect that Linux certified hardware will
Cost more; Have more or less the same price Cost less
3. The use of Linux certified hardware will require less testing, preparation, and planning than noncertified hardware.
I agree I disagree
4. Linux certified hardware will have a higher rate of successful installation than noncertified hardware.
5. Linux certified hardware will be more reliable, generating fewer help requests than noncertified.
6. Compared to noncertified hardware, Linux certified hardware are:
A lot more likely to be reliable Somewhat more likely to be reliable About as reliable Somewhat less reliable A lot less reliable
7. Do you have a policy regarding the selection of hardware?
Yes No
8. Is it your policy that only Linux certified hardware will be used?
9. If not, when do you anticipate that becoming your policy?
6 months 1 year 18 months 2 years or longer Never
10. If your organization has quantified the value that certification adds to hardware, what is the value?
More than $100 per user Up to $100 per user Nothing Less then nothing (or costs more)